Thursday, March 6, 2008


So, day before yesterday (same day I announced my retirement! haa) I had TONS of morning energy, so I wanted to 'test' myself. Here was my workout. I'm attempting to do it again tomorrow. Again, I don't know what got into me, but I felt extra energetic. I'll let ya know if I make it thru again, tomorrow morn! :)
(Not much of a warm-up. So don't pay attention to that. I was just ready to go!!!)
Incline Speed
1% 4.0mph
2% 6.0mph
3% 4.0mph
4% 6.0mph
5% 4.0mph
6% 6.0mph
7% 4.0mph
8% 6.0mph
9% 4.0mph
10% 5.8mph
11% 4.0mph (once I get to where I can't keep up, don't worry, I hold on!)
12% 5.6mph
13% 4.0mph
14% 5.0mph
15% 4.0mph
Each of those were one minute interval. Then.....i worked my way back down, same way I worked my way up. I was drenched, I was huffing and puffing, but DANG it felt good! if I couldn't make it a full minute sprinting, I'd just go 40-45 sec. and walk the extra 15 sec.

Does this workout make sense the way I wrote it out?
It was a doozy!!!
Much love~


Anonymous said...

That sounds tough! 4mph at 15% incline is a huge challenge. Thats a booty workout!

You and your fiances picture is really good. You two look good together.


Anonymous said...

Well what did get into you to give you energy??? Probably carbs!!!


Jessica said...

Em -
Yeah! what a workout! Sounds awesome! I do a very similar workout myself when I am trying to bust it (which I am right now).
Keep on rockin it sister!