Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I like to try and save my posts for the days I actually have something interesting to blog about...... :) Not much to report, although all is VERY well! :)
Lifting like crazy, a little bit of cardio here and there, staying busy at work, planning a wedding. LIFE IS GOOD!!!
Well, I guess I do have a contest change of plan. I will ABSOULTELY do the Emerald Cup in Seattle the 18th and 19th of April. THEN, the following weekend, my birthday, actually, I will do the local show here, the Empire Classic. So, two shows, back to back and then I'll be done until fall.
I'm continuing what I'm doing until December 28th, and then I begin my 16 week cut for the E-Cup (New Years will be a cheat meal. Gotta celebrate!)
So, since I wasn't as lean as I'd like my first go round, taking a slow and steady 16 week cut should put me exactly where I'd like to be. I'm still working with Mike Davies for my nutritional needs, but training is all me.

Off to the Gym, have a great day everyone!!

1 comment:

Frank Castiglione said...

I love the blog! What's your diet like on a typical day? Curious because I don't work with many clients like yourself.
