Wednesday, May 23, 2007

16 DAYS DOWN........122 to GO!!!!!!!!!!

The last physical challenge I accomplished (besides becoming a Group Exercise Instructor & TurboKick instructor) was completing a Half Marathon. I was living in Tempe at the time, and had hit a point where I was only "maintaining" my physical, the goal to finish the Half really made me focus on a goal. I "upped" my mileage accordingly each week, and finished without walking (that was my mini-goal, run the whole thing!)
ANYWAY, my point to this is: training for a Half is a hell of a lot easier than training for a Fitness Competition. With running, there are basic templete like charts that recommend how much you run each week, distance, intensity, rest day, and so on......Competing, on the other hand, has FAR too many variables to try and chart. It's different for everyone!!!! Like I've said before, trial & error!!! I'm amazed so many women do this while maintaining a full time job and a lot of them are mommies, too........I don't know how they do it..........I feel consumed (don't get me wrong, I FREAKIN' LOVE IT) by the training, diet, motivation's just amazing. There are far too many times when I'd rather stay in bed then get dressed & head for treadmill in the cold basement for cardio on an empty stomach (fasted cardio) BUT, 70% of the time I do it........I need to work on that! :)
You could easily give yourself a year of Prep, but I'm still POSITIVE I'm on track. I'm not afraid to say I'm proud of myself.....I really am progressing nicely, but it surely is a part-time job. I love it and would be blessed if it turns into a career opportunity, not just competing, but helping others Prep............ :-) :-) :-)
On the training side of things.......This morning I did 35 min. fasted cardio @ home, and just finished Back & 2o min. cardio @ gym. I'll head back in a few hours for TURBO, and then we'll do a leisurely bike ride after..........
That's it for now! Thank you all for any comments, they brighten my day & make me laugh! :)


Anonymous said...

You're doing great!!! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks! How does a fasted cardio help? Burn more fat since your blood sugar would be low???

Matilda said...

Sounds like you are kicking butt! Keep up the good work.

BTW you've been tagged :). Stop by my blogg to see the details.