Saturday, January 26, 2008

S.E.T. Master Class

Today was great, I woke up early, got in an AWESOME Jen Hendershott shoulder workout, worked 3 hours, got my hair cut (FINALLY!) and have been home ever since. Oh, and in that time it snowed about 5-6 inches. They were huge flakes just coming down! Snow is all well and good in December when it's festive, but now, ALMOST Feb. it's just annoying! :(
Tomorrow I have my instructor Master class and this month it's Strength & Endurance training. Lots of fun, this is what the class is comprised of:
Testing. 1 min. each: Push ups/sit-ups/quick feet step ups.
Lift: 3 min.
Cardio: 3 min.

Alternate lift & cardio.
Typical lifts go: Squat, chest, back, lunges, bi's, tri's, abs. Goal is to be 6-7 R.P.E. (Rate of Perceived Exertion out of 10)

Cardio: interval drills possibly incorporating light weights. R.P.E. 7-8

This class is a ball, it's actually one I subbed last monday. Usually a HUGE class at my club, members love it.

I'm also doing a killer leg workout tomorrow. Yeah, I'll let you know if I can't walk in a couple days. That's the goal. Sick huh? :) ha ha

Ohhh, by the way, did I mention I'm less than FOUR MONTHS AWAY FROM MY WEDDING?!?!?!?!?! Talk about a busy time! Life issss goooooood! :)

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Wedding!?!?! Crap forgot all about that! Thinking about your comp too much. How exciting!